Meeting Clare Sabata is one of my first memories. There I was, three years old in dance class when the new girl walked in. She was wearing a Disney princess costume, which one is uncertain (I swear it was the little mermaid) but it defiantly made an impression. The 20+ years since have been made all the better from the little girl I met in dance class.
Clare is possibly the best person I’ve ever met. The care and love she holds for every person she meets is indescribable. Even during the up and downs of our relationship, I could turn to Clare. She has been there for me during some of the hardest moments of my life. We should all strive to be a little more like Clare Sabata.

I asked her once how she felt about Jon, and she said something along the lines of, “I don’t know how to explain it, I just know he’s my person”. These two have been together since sophomore year of high school and they still seem like two teenage lover birds in the honeymoon stage.

Thank you so much for letting me being in your wedding party, but also trusting me to contribute your beautiful wedding. Whatever comes next for these two will be a real adventure, one full of love and laughter.